Entries by Ali Faisal

Spreading Impact: How We Work To Change The Future

Leon Reiner is the co-founder and Managing Director of Impact Hub Berlin. During the concluding plenary session of the political symposium at the European Forum Alpbach, Leon spoke to a distinguished international audience, which included the former President of Austria Heinz Fischer, about the collaboration and cooperation that occurs daily in Impact Hubs all over the world […]

Using the power of the sun to save lives

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 2 billion people use a contaminated source of drinking water. Waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid affect around 700 million people. Billions of euros are spent each and every year to treat sufferers of these illnesses. To combat this problem, Helioz’s mission is simple: to provide clean […]

Think beyond (un)employment

Beyond … … un(employment) … convening … bottom-up change … learning … collaboration … solutions. It began by asking how we, the Impact Hub Global team could design a program that aims to tackle unemployment, not with the typical top-down approach but instead by encouraging solutions led by citizens themselves. We envisioned it with very […]